Doctoral College
The Doctoral College at the University of Surrey was established to support the academic and professional development of postgraduate researchers and early career researchers and to ensure our world-leading research continues to grow.
PhD study
Find out more about postgraduate research at Surrey and search for a PhD.
Useful information for current researchers
Guidance to help you further your academic and professional development.
For information regarding the coronavirus, please see our frequently asked questions.
Doctoral Training Partnerships
We are a member of the South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS) a consortium formed of 10 leading UK universities, all of which are engaged in cutting-edge social science research and training.
A partner institution in the South East DTC, accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
We are proud to be able to offer funding and training as part of the TECHNE consortium, an AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership with six other Higher Education institutions.
SCENARIO is a postgraduate centre in the Science of the Environment: Natural and Anthropogenic pRocesses, Impacts and Opportunities. The centre will play a major role in advancing the quantitative science of the environment, in understanding the interaction between people and environmental change, and in the exploitation of environmental science and engineering by industry and policy makers.
We are a partner within the BBSRC funded FoodBioSystems Doctoral Training Partnership the vison of which it to develop the next generation of bioscientists with in-depth knowledge and technical expertise of food systems and biological processes across the Agri-Food system from pre-farm to post-fork.
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Studentship Approval Recording Tool: coming soon
The University will soon be launching the new Studentship Approval Recording Tool (StART), an app for...
Collaborative Writing Retreats 2024-25
Similarly to the last few years, Surrey continues to be involved in the Collaborative Virtual Writing...